

One day several years ago, I stared pulling the “Write” oracle card at least once a week. I would read the background and then think “but I already AM writing“ since I was constantly emailing people and writing newsletters. Then, by divine intervention, I picked up the phone to call Erica Glessing to invite her to be on my friend and mentor’s upcoming summit on Happiness and then I got what the card was saying.

Erica is definitely one of the happiest people I know. In fact, her publishing company is named Happy Publishing. By the end of the call, Erica had said yes to the summit and I had said yes to being an author in her upcoming book “The Energy of Healing”. It went on to become a #1 bestseller and I will be forever grateful to Erica for showing me that I too could become a best-selling author. In fact, as you will see, I went on to add 3 more books to the collection as well.

What I love about contributing to Erica’s books is that she takes a subject and then explores it through the eyes and life experiences of 20 people. So you get an immense exposure and understanding of the subject and hand, and they are such GREAT subjects!

I have even recorded some 20-15 minute crystal bowl sessions in the studio to be paired with several of the books. The recordings are my gift to you, the books can be found on


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